Our Origin

Contact Us

From Humble Beginnings to Many Helping Hands

Our office is located at Grace United Church. Centred around nurturing relationships, Regeneration sought to meet both the practical and spiritual needs of guests, even if that just meant a cup of coffee and a listening ear. 

Since then, Regeneration has seen tremendous growth and made an enormous impact on the people of Brampton. What was once a 4-day breakfast program has multiplied and become a 365-day facility that offers several life-giving programs and services. 

Equipped with tireless support from the greater Brampton community, Regeneration continues to be a caring community and an expression of Christian love in action that helps us to restore hope, purpose, and dignity to those experiencing homelessness and vulnerability.

Onward, With Hope

From our beginnings as informal gathering sites around Brampton to the opening of our Marketplace, Thrift Store, and long-standing outreach to the community, we’ve helped restore hope to so many people. 

But, there is still so much more to do, and we need your support. Please consider making a donation today.

Success In Numbers

It’s because of your compassion and generous donations that our annual numbers continue to rise. Thank you for making Regeneration possible.

Open 365

Days a Year for Hot Meals


Meals Served

1 Million LBS

Of Food Recovery


Food Sharing Partners


Individual Volunteers

1100 Households Served

with groceries weekly

Our Locations

Regeneration Office & Meal Program

We’re located near City Hall.

  • 156 Main Street N
  • Brampton, ON L6V 1N9

Regeneration Marketplace

We are located in the same building as the Kabul Farm Supermarket.

  • 253 Queen St E
  • Brampton, ON L6W 2B8

Guest Experiences

Meet Charlie – A Regeneration Transformation

Charlie came to Regeneration in his 50s. He was experiencing homelessness, grieving his divorce, and dealing with heartbreak. COVID-19 caused him to lose his job and the temp agency he was working with simply didn’t provide enough regular income to live on.

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