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Homeless vs. Houseless: Is There A Difference?

An individual experiencing homelessness sleeping on a park bench.

Thousands of people find themselves without a permanent place to call home. These individuals are often categorized in different ways, such as either homeless or houseless. The terms homeless and houseless are often used interchangeably but may have a slight distinction. Homeless is a restrictive term used to describe people who don’t have a place […]

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How Do Food Banks Work? 

A food bank volunteer hands a box of food to a senior citizen while another volunteer looks on.

Food banks are a crucial community service created to help individuals who are struggling with food insecurity. At food banks, community members can find fresh produce, non-perishable food items, and basic household essentials like cleaning supplies and toilet paper.  Food banks function by accepting donations from individual community members and businesses. These donations are then […]

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Unknown Challenges a Homeless Person Faces

Man on street with blanket and sign that says SEEKING HUMAN KINDNESS

Individuals dealing with homelessness face numerous obstacles, but some are more visible than others. Beyond immediate needs such as food and shelter, people experiencing homelessness also require resources and environments to improve their circumstances and take back their lives. From being unable to obtain reliable identification, difficulty accessing healthcare, and lack of access to clean […]

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How Does a Homeless Person Get an ID?

A pile of notebooks and paperwork layered on a desk with a note stating "important".

An ID is an important document that helps individuals gain access to services and opportunities around the country. For individuals experiencing homelessness, obtaining this critical piece of identification can be challenging. Fortunately, several services, such as our ID clinic, can make the process easier. The basic method of getting an ID includes filling out a […]

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What Not To Say to a Homeless Person

A silhouette of a man experiencing homelessness.

Every day, we encounter individuals from diverse demographics, including those without a home, which presents numerous physical and emotional hardships often stemming from complex socio-economic issues. The instability of homelessness can lead to difficulties in meeting basic needs and feelings of being unsafe or judged. Interacting with people in such situations calls for kindness and […]

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Feminine Hygiene Kits for the Homeless

Sanitary pads and menstrual cup for personal hygiene on a green background

Feminine hygiene is a basic necessity for those who menstruate, regardless of their age, race, or socioeconomic status. However, for those experiencing homelessness who do not have access to proper sanitation facilities or can’t afford feminine hygiene products, managing their menstrual cycle can be a challenging or embarrassing ordeal. Feminine hygiene kits contain essential items […]

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