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Category: Poverty in Brampton

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What Is Homelessness?

Individual holding a cardboard cut out of house in his hand while wearing gloves

Homelessness can be defined as the absence of adequate, permanent, or sustainable access to shelter; this includes couch surfing or living in a car. Most people experiencing homelessness do not have the income to sustain their most basic needs. Homelessness is a systemic issue but can also be the result of: poor mental and physical […]

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How Does Healthcare Inequality Exist in Canada?

Doctor leaning over a woman's shoulder in a wheelchair to talk to her

Canada is one of 51 countries around the world to have free universal healthcare. We pay taxes so that everyone can get the medication, treatment, or care they need without having to bear the financial burden. Every Canadian has access to our healthcare system. In theory, that should mean that everyone’s health is basically consistent […]

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