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Can Going to Church Improve Your Mental Health?

two girls sitting in a pew at a church with a group of 3 a few rows ahead

For many, mental health is an uphill battle filled with obstacles that can be difficult to avoid. Depression, anxiety, panic disorders, and many other mental illnesses are prominent issues in many communities, including our own Brampton. This blog explores the possibility of worship services being an aid for those with mental health issues.  How Mental […]

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The Link Between Homelessness & Mental Health

Woman experiencing homelessness smiling while leaning against metal fence

More than 235,000 Canadians experience homelessness every year, and 1 in every 5 Canadians experiences mental illness. These social problems exist on a grand scale across Canada, but the relationship between them remains poorly understood by many. Members of the general public commonly make unfair assumptions about people who experience homelessness, mental health challenges, or […]

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COVID-19 & Its Effects on the Homeless

deep focus photo of Ontario lineups for covid-19 health assessments with white tent and brick building background

COVID-19 has upset the balance of society everywhere you look. While economic downturn, schools’ social distancing measures, and unemployment are all problems for most— some of society’s at-risk populations are experiencing unfamiliar pressures. Homelessness is rising in Brampton and nearby Mississauga. The nature of the pandemic hinders conventional services for those in need.  That number […]

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