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Category: Homelessness in Brampton

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5 Benefits of Being Part of a Community During Homelessness

A woman receiving food in a homeless community

Homelessness affects every part of the world, and many of us may brush with this experience at some point in our lives. However, despite homelessness being a primary focus for many governments, the issue won’t resolve overnight. This is why communities like ours are at the heart of homelessness support and prevention. With the help […]

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Essential Checklist for People Experiencing Homelessness

A businessman talking to a homeless man sitting on a sidewalk

Homelessness can make each moment a challenge, whether it’s finding a place to sleep, eating, or managing various hygienic needs. But help is always available. Communities like ours are working hard to ensure everyone has access to their basic needs, and we rely on the help of donations and volunteers to realize our goals. We’re […]

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What to do if You Are Going to be Homeless

Person experiencing homelessness with his two dogs

Homelessness affects thousands of Canadians nationwide, leaving them without safe and stable housing. If you’re experiencing this unfortunate situation, what can you do to receive the essential care you need?  Continue reading to learn more about what to do if you’re going to be homeless, including what support is available to help you recover.  What […]

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Housing Affordability: The Impact on Homelessness in Toronto

House placed on calculator with coins on side to display housing affordability.

Regardless of the reason someone is experiencing homelessness, they lack the support and care needed to acquire permanent and safe housing. Housing affordability is one of the many factors related to homelessness in Canada.  With homes becoming more expensive in Canadian cities such as Toronto, how has housing affordability impacted homelessness? Continue reading to learn […]

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Are Poverty and Homelessness The Same Thing?

Man opening up wallet with no money inside experiencing poverty

Homelessness and poverty affect thousands of Canadians. Many people lack the essential care everyone needs. These issues aren’t individually focused—families and communities can experience poverty and homelessness. Are poverty and homelessness the same thing? Continue reading to learn more about these problems, including if they’re the same concept and how Canadians can help.  What is […]

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What Is The Leading Cause of Homelessness?

Man with bags sitting down next to house cartoon on wall

Thousands of Canadians experience homelessness daily, utilizing shelters and other support programs to take care of themselves. Many organizations dedicate themselves to caring for these vulnerable people, but the average Canadian may not know what causes homelessness.  Continue reading to learn more about the leading causes of homelessness, including what homelessness is and who experiences […]

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What Help Is Available for People Who Are Experiencing Homelessness?

Mother and child experiencing homelessness sitting on steps while eating.

In a single year, approximately 235,000 Canadians experience homelessness. For these people, access to social care programs and donations can be crucial to their survival. If you want to support your community and help those in need overcome homelessness, you may consider becoming a volunteer. What Defines Homelessness? Homelessness can be defined as the absence […]

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What Is Homelessness?

Individual holding a cardboard cut out of house in his hand while wearing gloves

Homelessness can be defined as the absence of adequate, permanent, or sustainable access to shelter; this includes couch surfing or living in a car. Most people experiencing homelessness do not have the income to sustain their most basic needs. Homelessness is a systemic issue but can also be the result of: poor mental and physical […]

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The Link Between Homelessness & Mental Health

Woman experiencing homelessness smiling while leaning against metal fence

More than 235,000 Canadians experience homelessness every year, and 1 in every 5 Canadians experiences mental illness. These social problems exist on a grand scale across Canada, but the relationship between them remains poorly understood by many. Members of the general public commonly make unfair assumptions about people who experience homelessness, mental health challenges, or […]

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