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Category: Jobs & Work

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How Does a Homeless Person Get an ID?

A pile of notebooks and paperwork layered on a desk with a note stating "important".

An ID is an important document that helps individuals gain access to services and opportunities around the country. For individuals experiencing homelessness, obtaining this critical piece of identification can be challenging. Fortunately, several services, such as our ID clinic, can make the process easier. The basic method of getting an ID includes filling out a […]

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How to Find a Job While Experiencing Homelessness

group of unemployed people attending a skills training program to improve job skills and find a job.

Loss of employment can be a significant factor in causing homelessness, and re-entering the workforce is a great first step in a positive direction. Finding a job can feel like an uphill battle if you have been unemployed and experiencing homelessness for a while. Taking any skills training available, solving substance abuse problems, and leveraging […]

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5 Benefits of Being Part of a Community During Homelessness

A woman receiving food in a homeless community

Homelessness affects every part of the world, and many of us may brush with this experience at some point in our lives. However, despite homelessness being a primary focus for many governments, the issue won’t resolve overnight. This is why communities like ours are at the heart of homelessness support and prevention. With the help […]

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