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How Does Climate Change Affect Homelessness?

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A forest fire in Canada, with smoke and flames visible, highlighting the environmental impact of climate change.

As climate change continues to disrupt weather patterns and intensify natural disasters, its effects are felt most acutely by vulnerable populations. In Canada, one of the groups hit hardest by these changes are those experiencing homelessness

The warming climate, extreme weather events, and environmental displacement all combine to create a dangerous and growing challenge for individuals without stable housing. This article will explore how climate change impacts homelessness, and why it is more urgent than ever to support those in need.

The Health Risks of Climate Change for Individuals Experiencing Homelessness

Climate change has a direct impact on the health of people experiencing homelessness, especially as weather extremes become more frequent. 

Extreme Heat

One of the biggest health risks associated with climate change is extreme heat. Canada is warming at about twice the global average, with temperatures rising faster in urban areas where many individuals experiencing homelessness are concentrated. Cities like Toronto, Brampton, and Montreal are seeing more frequent and intense heat events. During heatwaves, individuals experiencing homelessness are particularly at risk because they lack access to cooling systems and centres.

Heat-Related Illnesses: Prolonged exposure to high temperatures can lead to heat exhaustion, dehydration, and heatstroke. Without immediate care, these conditions can be fatal. For people experiencing homelessness, finding relief during these hot periods is incredibly difficult, putting their health in immediate danger.

Poor Air Quality

Air pollution is worsening due to factors such as wildfires and industrial emissions, both of which are increasing because of climate change.

Wildfire Smoke and Respiratory Health: Wildfires have become the new normal, especially in provinces like British Columbia, Alberta, and Ontario. The 2023 wildfire season, for example, brought widespread smoke across several regions, significantly affecting air quality. People experiencing homelessness are at increased risk of developing respiratory conditions like asthma, bronchitis, and other chronic lung diseases.

Harsh Winters

Natural disasters, including heavy storms and flooding, can destroy shelters and displace people. Extreme weather can lead to injuries, infections, or even fatalities if individuals experiencing homelessness are not able to find shelter in time.

Cold Weather and Hypothermia Risks: In Canada, harsh winters are a reality. When temperatures drop below freezing, individuals experiencing homelessness are at risk of hypothermia, frostbite, and other cold-related illnesses. Without access to adequate clothing or heated shelters, they face life-threatening situations during the winter months.

How Climate Change Exacerbates Social Inequities

Climate change is not only a direct physical threat; it also amplifies existing inequalities for marginalized groups like low-income individuals, racial minorities, Indigenous peoples, and those with disabilities. 

Vulnerable Housing Situations 

Many low-income households live in older homes that are more at risk from extreme weather, such as flooding, storms, and temperature extremes. In southern Ontario, for example, increased rainfall and rising temperatures are causing more frequent flooding. Renters often can’t afford repairs after disasters, and landlords may not fix damage. This increases the risk of eviction, leaving people homeless after extreme weather events.

Lack of Insurance or Financial Resources

Many people on the brink of homelessness can’t afford insurance, leaving them unprotected when disasters strike. Without flood or home insurance, they have fewer options for recovery, making it harder to stay housed. This lack of financial resources often leads to displacement, worsening the cycle of homelessness.

A young person holding a poster that reads "Preserve and Cherish" during the Global Strike for Climate and march for climate justice in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Climate Change and the Growing Housing Crisis

Climate change is contributing to Canada’s housing crisis by increasing the frequency of extreme weather events, which displace people from their homes and reduce the already limited supply of affordable housing.

Displacement & Housing Shortages 

Every year, millions of people worldwide are forced from their homes due to extreme weather, and many of them come from areas with high housing demand. As these extreme weather events become more common, the pressure on already scarce affordable housing will continue to grow. In the Greater Toronto Area, where housing is already in short supply, it will become even harder for those experiencing homelessness to find safe, stable housing.

What Can Be Done?

Addressing the intersection of climate change and homelessness in Canada requires action at every level—government, organizations, communities, and individuals.

At Regeneration, we provide life-saving support to those experiencing homelessness by providing our guests with food, clothing, and other essential services. By supporting our programs, whether through donations, volunteering, or advocacy, you can make a real difference in the lives of vulnerable individuals facing homelessness in Brampton and across Ontario.

Together, we can help build a more resilient community that ensures no one has to face the devastating effects of climate change alone. Help us help others.

Written by Dan Gibson

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