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The Importance of Community

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At Regeneration, we believe that every person deserves the essentials of life. Unfortunately, those who are living on the street don’t have access to these basic necessities. In addition to this, individuals who are experiencing homelessness are also dealing with other issues such as poverty, unemployment, disability, eviction, domestic violence, long-term illness, mental health problems, addiction, breakdown of relationships, discrimination, and so much more. 

These days it’s easy to think of only ourselves. Life is tough, and the pandemic made life just a little bit harder. Most of us, however, have people around us who can build us up, inspire, encourage, and cheer us on. This isn’t always the case for the population that we serve. At Regeneration, we want to be those people to our guests. We want each person who walks through our doors to know that we love, respect, and care for them, no matter who they are and what they have done. At Regeneration, community means much more than just a group of people who share common interests. For us, community is a feeling of fellowship with one another. It means building relationships, and being there for each other in all walks of life. 

In John 15:12 it says, 

“This is my commandment: love each other in the same way I have loved you.” 

As a Christian organization, we strive to be a caring and loving community that helps to restore hope, purpose, and dignity to those who are experiencing homelessness. No one can do life alone, and it’s important that we as a community not forget the most vulnerable.

*If you would like to join us in our mission, please visit our website to see how you can get involved. 

Written by Rachelle Alcazaran

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