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Category: Food Bank

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Essential, Health, & Community Care: Resources At Regeneration

A close-up image of someone passing a bowl with a hot meal to a hungry person.

Through various essential, health, and community care services, Regeneration Outreach Community is committed to offering resources to meet immediate needs and guide people toward long-term stability and dignity. Finding the proper support can make all the difference when life brings unexpected challenges. That’s why the Regeneration Outreach Community stands as a beacon of hope, compassion, […]

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Homeless Shelters in Brampton: What Help is Available

An adult's hands cradle those of a child, which in turn are holding a cut out of a blue house.

Brampton, a vibrant city in the Greater Toronto Area, is home to a diverse community and a growing population. However, like many urban centres, it faces challenges related to homelessness.  Many people in today’s world require immediate support and resources, which is where local shelters and services play a crucial role. If you or someone […]

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How Do Food Banks Work? 

A food bank volunteer hands a box of food to a senior citizen while another volunteer looks on.

Food banks are a crucial community service created to help individuals who are struggling with food insecurity. At food banks, community members can find fresh produce, non-perishable food items, and basic household essentials like cleaning supplies and toilet paper.  Food banks function by accepting donations from individual community members and businesses. These donations are then […]

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Every Soup Kitchen and Food Bank in the Brampton Area

man in checkered shirt receiving a bowl of soup from volunteer's hands gratefully

Throughout years of service to the community, we know what every person deserves: nutritious food, sufficient clothing, and warm shelter. These necessities are vital for getting people back on their feet, but many Canadians lack access to them.  Community is powerful, and many organizations across the Peel region help provide essential care to vulnerable Canadians. […]

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Food Insecurity in Canada: How Regeneration Brampton Helps

Volunteers serving food at a homeless shelter. the image is a close up of a large pot of soup, and a volunteer is handing a bowl full to a person standing in a line.

From humble beginnings as an invitation to pick up a skid of cereal in a work van, Regeneration Outreach Community’s mission to combat food insecurity through an incredibly responsive and relational food rescue program has changed the narrative for Regen’s guest-facing programs and has had a profound impact on Brampton’s food story as a whole.  […]

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Do Shelters Provide Food for Those Experiencing Homelessness?

Volunteers serving food at a homeless shelter. the image is a close up of a large pot of soup, and a volunteer is handing a bowl full to a person standing in a line.

Many people in Canada struggle with the basic necessities of life: Shelter, food, safety, hygiene, clothing, and access to healthcare. According to research, the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic increased household food insecurity in the general population from 14 to 17 percent. This shows that you don’t have to be homeless to be hungry. The […]

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