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Category: Homelessness in Brampton

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What Is Homelessness?

Individual holding a cardboard cut out of house in his hand while wearing gloves

Homelessness can be defined as the absence of adequate, permanent, or sustainable access to shelter; this includes couch surfing or living in a car. Most people experiencing homelessness do not have the income to sustain their most basic needs. Homelessness is a systemic issue but can also be the result of: poor mental and physical […]

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The Link Between Homelessness & Mental Health

Woman experiencing homelessness smiling while leaning against metal fence

More than 235,000 Canadians experience homelessness every year, and 1 in every 5 Canadians experiences mental illness. These social problems exist on a grand scale across Canada, but the relationship between them remains poorly understood by many. Members of the general public commonly make unfair assumptions about people who experience homelessness, mental health challenges, or […]

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COVID-19 & Its Effects on the Homeless

deep focus photo of Ontario lineups for covid-19 health assessments with white tent and brick building background

COVID-19 has upset the balance of society everywhere you look. While economic downturn, schools’ social distancing measures, and unemployment are all problems for most— some of society’s at-risk populations are experiencing unfamiliar pressures. Homelessness is rising in Brampton and nearby Mississauga. The nature of the pandemic hinders conventional services for those in need.  That number […]

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How Does Healthcare Inequality Exist in Canada?

Doctor leaning over a woman's shoulder in a wheelchair to talk to her

Canada is one of 51 countries around the world to have free universal healthcare. We pay taxes so that everyone can get the medication, treatment, or care they need without having to bear the financial burden. Every Canadian has access to our healthcare system. In theory, that should mean that everyone’s health is basically consistent […]

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How Mental Health, Faith, & Social Connection Can Help the Homeless

homeless people enjoying social connection

Canada is one of the wealthiest nations of the world, but far too many of our fellow citizens don’t have enough financial support to meet their basic needs. It is estimated that about 235,000 Canadians are homeless on any given year, and about 35,000 are homeless on any given night. The causes of homelessness vary […]

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The Poverty Trap: How People Become Stuck in the Cycle of Poverty

Person being handed a bowl of food a soup kitchen.

What is Poverty? Poverty is defined by the United Nations as the inability to fulfill basic needs like food, healthcare, education, and access to water and sanitation. By that definition, around 10% of the world lives in extreme poverty. In Canada, that number is around 9%, although it is higher for certain groups like single […]

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How to Help the Homeless: What & When to Donate

a donation jar filled with coins

Homelessness is an unfortunate epidemic that affects many major Canadian cities, and Brampton is no exception. As of August 2019, the region of Peel housed 922 homeless people, but not enough shelters or affordable housing to accommodate them. As Canadians, we can all do our part to fight against homelessness and help marginalized individuals. Giving […]

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