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Category: How to Help

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Feminine Hygiene Kits for the Homeless

Sanitary pads and menstrual cup for personal hygiene on a green background

Feminine hygiene is a basic necessity for those who menstruate, regardless of their age, race, or socioeconomic status. However, for those experiencing homelessness who do not have access to proper sanitation facilities or can’t afford feminine hygiene products, managing their menstrual cycle can be a challenging or embarrassing ordeal. Feminine hygiene kits contain essential items […]

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What is the Difference Between a Bequest and a Donation?

A woman in a striped shirt carrying a donation box filled with clothes against a beige background.

When making charitable contributions to support your favourite nonprofits, you may have heard of “donations” and “bequests.” These are common ways to give back to your community, but you should know the difference between them. A donation is a gift given to a charity during a person’s lifetime, while a bequest is a similar gift […]

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How to Help a Homeless Family Member

a woman offers a person experiencing homelessness food as he sits while leaning against a wall outside

Someone experiencing homelessness may lack the essential care they need for everyday life. When supporting someone experiencing homelessness, especially a family member, there are many ways to help.  You can support a family member in several ways to help them get back on their feet and make an impact:  Why Do People Experience Homelessness?  People […]

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10 Essential Items People Experiencing Homelessness Need

four wooden cubes depicting images representing the basic needs of food shelter clothing and access to healthcare

Homelessness can make daily living challenging. Everyday activities such as eating, maintaining basic hygiene, or finding a place to sleep can become difficult. Fortunately, there is help available. Finding a dedicated team and care program is essential.  But what are some items that are essential for people experiencing homelessness? Let’s look at some basic needs […]

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Housing Affordability: The Impact on Homelessness in Toronto

House placed on calculator with coins on side to display housing affordability.

Regardless of the reason someone is experiencing homelessness, they lack the support and care needed to acquire permanent and safe housing. Housing affordability is one of the many factors related to homelessness in Canada.  With homes becoming more expensive in Canadian cities such as Toronto, how has housing affordability impacted homelessness? Continue reading to learn […]

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