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Regeneration’s “New Normal” during the COVID-19 Pandemic

“We are all in this together (even if we are two metres apart)!” The COVID-19 pandemic has had far-reaching implications for Regeneration Outreach Community, as adherence to the physical distancing measures that have been established to protect the public has meant that Regeneration has had to find creative ways to fulfil its mission. These changes […]

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Practical Ways to Recognize & Combat Mental Illness Stigma

Together We Can End the Stigma Even though mental illness is not something anyone chooses to have, most people who live with mental illness have been blamed for their condition at some point. Outdated beliefs and attitudes contribute to the stigma surrounding mental illness and continue to harm countless individuals every day. Fortunately, we have […]

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2020 Rick Robson Memorial Golf Tournament is Postponed

Recommendations from the government to practice social distancing and shutter doors for all non-essential businesses have made it challenging to continue to provide support for our less fortunate. So, we are reaching out today to regretfully announce our 2020 Rick Robson Memorial Golf Tournament will not continue as planned. The event will be rescheduled in […]

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How Does Healthcare Inequality Exist in Canada?

Doctor leaning over a woman's shoulder in a wheelchair to talk to her

Canada is one of 51 countries around the world to have free universal healthcare. We pay taxes so that everyone can get the medication, treatment, or care they need without having to bear the financial burden. Every Canadian has access to our healthcare system. In theory, that should mean that everyone’s health is basically consistent […]

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Regeneration’s “New Normal” During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Woman wearing a mask to deliver food during COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has had far-reaching implications for Regeneration Outreach Community, as adherence to the physical distancing measures that have been established to protect the public has meant that Regeneration has had to find creative ways to fulfil its mission.  These changes have not been made in isolation however, as valuable partnerships with other organizations […]

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How Mental Health, Faith, & Social Connection Can Help the Homeless

homeless people enjoying social connection

Canada is one of the wealthiest nations of the world, but far too many of our fellow citizens don’t have enough financial support to meet their basic needs. It is estimated that about 235,000 Canadians are homeless on any given year, and about 35,000 are homeless on any given night. The causes of homelessness vary […]

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The Poverty Trap: How People Become Stuck in the Cycle of Poverty

Person being handed a bowl of food a soup kitchen.

What is Poverty? Poverty is defined by the United Nations as the inability to fulfill basic needs like food, healthcare, education, and access to water and sanitation. By that definition, around 10% of the world lives in extreme poverty. In Canada, that number is around 9%, although it is higher for certain groups like single […]

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How to Help the Homeless: What & When to Donate

a donation jar filled with coins

Homelessness is an unfortunate epidemic that affects many major Canadian cities, and Brampton is no exception. As of August 2019, the region of Peel housed 922 homeless people, but not enough shelters or affordable housing to accommodate them. As Canadians, we can all do our part to fight against homelessness and help marginalized individuals. Giving […]

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