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What is the Difference Between a Bequest and a Donation?

A woman in a striped shirt carrying a donation box filled with clothes against a beige background.

When making charitable contributions to support your favourite nonprofits, you may have heard of “donations” and “bequests.” These are common ways to give back to your community, but you should know the difference between them. A donation is a gift given to a charity during a person’s lifetime, while a bequest is a similar gift […]

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Food Insecurity in Canada: How Regeneration Brampton Helps

Volunteers serving food at a homeless shelter. the image is a close up of a large pot of soup, and a volunteer is handing a bowl full to a person standing in a line.

From humble beginnings as an invitation to pick up a skid of cereal in a work van, Regeneration Outreach Community’s mission to combat food insecurity through an incredibly responsive and relational food rescue program has changed the narrative for Regen’s guest-facing programs and has had a profound impact on Brampton’s food story as a whole.  […]

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Myths and Facts about Homelessness in Canada

A senior man wearing winter clothes and sitting on a bench outside with a tin cup

Homelessness is a serious problem for many Canadians. Many people live without the essential care they need, raising their need for health care and other forms of support. Additionally, there are many assumptions made about people experiencing homelessness that can lead to indifference toward this issue.  Some of the common myths about homelessness in Canada […]

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How to Find a Job While Experiencing Homelessness

group of unemployed people attending a skills training program to improve job skills and find a job.

Loss of employment can be a significant factor in causing homelessness, and re-entering the workforce is a great first step in a positive direction. Finding a job can feel like an uphill battle if you have been unemployed and experiencing homelessness for a while. Taking any skills training available, solving substance abuse problems, and leveraging […]

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Life Skills for Homeless Adults: What Can Community Care Offer?

A group of adults and chefs in a training kitchen with food.

Having a roof over our heads is something that can be easy to take for granted. Fortunately, there are teams of people committed to caring for their fellow person who doesn’t have anywhere to call home. In addition to providing for people’s basic needs like eating and washing, many of these organizations have developed programs […]

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How to Help a Homeless Family Member

a woman offers a person experiencing homelessness food as he sits while leaning against a wall outside

Someone experiencing homelessness may lack the essential care they need for everyday life. When supporting someone experiencing homelessness, especially a family member, there are many ways to help.  You can support a family member in several ways to help them get back on their feet and make an impact:  Why Do People Experience Homelessness?  People […]

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