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The Importance of Community

At Regeneration, we believe that every person deserves the essentials of life. Unfortunately, those who are living on the street don’t have access to these basic necessities. In addition to this, individuals who are experiencing homelessness are also dealing with other issues such as poverty, unemployment, disability, eviction, domestic violence, long-term illness, mental health problems, […]

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Do Shelters Provide Food for Those Experiencing Homelessness?

Volunteers serving food at a homeless shelter. the image is a close up of a large pot of soup, and a volunteer is handing a bowl full to a person standing in a line.

Many people in Canada struggle with the basic necessities of life: Shelter, food, safety, hygiene, clothing, and access to healthcare. According to research, the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic increased household food insecurity in the general population from 14 to 17 percent. This shows that you don’t have to be homeless to be hungry. The […]

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Can People Experiencing Homelessness Get Access to Medical Care?

a person wearing a doctors coat hold the hand of a person experiencing homelessness in support

Homelessness is a social concern that affects hundreds of thousands of people across Canada in any given year. Programs are available to support people experiencing homelessness with basic needs, such as food, hygiene, clothing, and community with addiction services, life skills, and social interaction.   But can people experiencing homelessness get access to medical care? The […]

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10 Essential Items People Experiencing Homelessness Need

four wooden cubes depicting images representing the basic needs of food shelter clothing and access to healthcare

Homelessness can make daily living challenging. Everyday activities such as eating, maintaining basic hygiene, or finding a place to sleep can become difficult. Fortunately, there is help available. Finding a dedicated team and care program is essential.  But what are some items that are essential for people experiencing homelessness? Let’s look at some basic needs […]

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How Do You Qualify for a Food Bank in Ontario?

Women carrying food items to car for food bank

Food banks provide an essential service to our communities. In fact, food bank usage rose 25% across Canada since the beginning of the pandemic, the highest levels we’ve seen since 2008.  Because of how COVID-19 and other world events have significantly altered our citizens’ financial security and well-being, food banks provide the meals people need […]

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5 Benefits of Being Part of a Community During Homelessness

A woman receiving food in a homeless community

Homelessness affects every part of the world, and many of us may brush with this experience at some point in our lives. However, despite homelessness being a primary focus for many governments, the issue won’t resolve overnight. This is why communities like ours are at the heart of homelessness support and prevention. With the help […]

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